Dear Pundians,
The Ethereum network will be undergoing a scheduled upgrade at block number 9,069,000, which is predicted to occur on Saturday, December 7, 2019. The exact date is subject to change due to variable block times and timezones. To support the upgrade, deposit and withdrawals of ERC20 tokens in XWallet will be temporarily unavailable, including ETH, DAI, DGX, KCS, KNC, VRH, FX, ENQ, IDRT, XDB and NPXS. Transactions within XPOS, XWallet and XPASS cards will not affected during the upgrade.
Please note that this upgrade will not result in generating new tokens. The amount you hold in XWallet will remain the same and you do not need to do anything about it.
We will re-open deposits and withdrawals for ERC20 tokens as soon as the network is stable. We will make announcement across our communication channels to notify XWallet users.
For more information on the Ethereum Istanbul upgrade, you can read the announcement at
Thank you for your patience and support!
Pundi X Team
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