If you don't have any $BNB in your Binance Chain Extension Wallet, you can get some $BNB from your Binance Exchange account or trade some of your NPXSXEM BEP2 to BNB on Binance DEX.
Transfer from Binance Exchange via Binance mobile app
1. Go to "Wallet", click "Spot" and choose "BNB"
2. Click "Withdraw" and choose the network. If you choose BEP2 network, input your $BNB BEP2 receiving address. If you choose BEP20 network, input your $BNB BEP20 receiving address.
3. Confirm the transaction.
Trade at Binance DEX to get $BNB BEP2
1. Use your desktop browser visit https://www.binance.org/en/trade/
2. Connect your Binance Chain Extension Wallet to trade
3. Receive BNB BEP2 when the sell order is filled.
How to swap BNB BEP2 to BNB BEP20
If you are using Trust Wallet, you will be able to swap BNB BEP2 to BNB BEP20 by using its "swap" feature.
1. Click "BNB"
2. Click "Swap" and choose "Swap to Smart Chain"
3. Input the amount you want to swap
*Please note that you will pay BNB BEP2 as the network fee to complete the swap.
4. Send the swapped BNB BEP20 to your Binance Chain Wallet by inputing the receiving address of BNB in Binance Smart Chain network in your Binance Chain Wallet.
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