Make sure you have the XPOS version 1.03_Beta_202210252115 and above
Let’s look at the steps below for how to sell BTC to a user’s bitcoin wallet via Lightning Network on your XPOS.
1. Head to “Crypto Sales”, select “BTC”
2. Select “Lightning Network”
3. Input the amount of sales, confirm the rate and gas fee with the user, and collect the fiat payment from your customers.
4. To ensure a smooth transaction, you can ask the customers to generate a Lighting invoice on their receiving wallet.
NOTICE: Remind the customers to input the amount in BTC value or SAT in the invoice since the fiat value may vary due to different rates set in different wallet. DO NOT INPUT FIAT AMOUNT IN THEIR LIGHTNING INVOICE.
5. Scan the receiving address from the user’s bitcoin wallet and press “Next”.
6. Input your fund password to approve the transaction, and wait for the confirmation page to come up which shows that the BTC Lightning Network transaction is successfully sent to the customer’s bitcoin wallet.
If you have any issue, please feel free to reach out to support[at]
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